Customers are from Shanghai, came to our Dongguan on-site inspection of our factory environment. Along the way, we talked a lot, raised and received a lot of pertinent comments. From his worry and doubt on the supplier selection, I also draw some ideas from it, give me a broader idea.
Reality is the power. Perhaps the details of the hardware structure now can not fully meet their requirements, but we are also gradually, cost in the standard international first-line brand quality and design sense
I believe that as long as we deep-root in this industry, customers will find our cooperation. Within customers who have seen the factory, 90% will place an order. This is not a myth, but a fact. The remaining 10% did not order is not due to our factory quality can not meet their requirements, but because of insufficient budget. After all, “A penny is a penny”, quality clearance is the sufficient condition of funds in place.
Because Xinfeng Factory have been 30 years, making display cabinets and props similar to the Cartier quality. Now such as our factory few. 30 years are to do high standard display case, and the factory has 10 full-time professional designers, will charge design fees, we do not do cheap display case. And not only do display cases, but also do display props, such as factory producing the two together, the domestic may not find a second.
There will be delays when we make the display cases, when the transportation is damaged, when the dimensions are made wrong, which I have to admit. There are all things made by people, unlike machines, which have no thoughts and no emotions, there must be some thoughtlessness.
The most important thing is that in this situation, our factory has not once flinched, all facing things head-on. 20 minutes response and 2 hours to give a solution. I use real name on the internet with the real address to do publicity, even registered my own name a display case brand, in Dongguan we have a factory and a car with a family, the cost of running away too big, so more to treat customers, down-to-earth do a good job display case factory.
Only in this way, we can make products better and better. With good products, customer will satisfy. With customer satisfaction, business is naturally good. The global market is so large. We still need more efforts.
OK, let's eat first. It takes a full stomach to keep working.
If you are not satisfied with the display case, welcome to try Xinfeng Factory.