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  1. 深圳的客户,要咨询展柜

  2. 辽宁客户,做国产手表代理商,想做国内某品牌手表的道具,我明确告诉他,没有授权,我们不卖也不做

  3. 汽车美容展厅,已出好图纸,希望报价

  4. 表带柜,不过这个柜,我没有库存了,目前也不打算做库存

  5. 东莞的客户,要做一个展厅,她发的图纸和要求,不符合我们高端的定位,她只想要一个“摆货的”展厅,不过,结尾处,我还是跟她说,以后有需要高端的展柜,可以找我

  6. 深圳的设计师事务所,这样的设计师,加着,不一定那么快有订单,但是以后肯定会有

  7. 湖南的客户,发了3个资料给他先看先了解,今天再聊详细情况

  8. 东莞樟木头的公司,做一个展厅,图纸都已出好,想来工厂看,不过很不巧的是,要晚上七点才到,可是7点我们工厂都没人了,而且也下班。做工业品的没有这么急的










Good morning,

Today started with a flurry of activity as I received inquiries from eight new clients in quick succession, a notably high frequency.

  1. A client from Shenzhen sought consultation on exhibition cabinets.

  2. A client from Liaoning, acting as an agent for domestic watch brands, wanted to create display props for a specific brand. I clearly informed him that without authorization, we neither sell nor produce such items.

  3. An auto beauty showroom has already prepared the drawings and requested a quote.

  4. An inquiry about watch strap cabinets, but I currently have no stock and do not plan to maintain inventory for these.

  5. A client from Dongguan wants to build a showroom. The drawings and requirements she sent did not align with our premium positioning; she only wanted a basic "display-only" showroom. Nonetheless, I concluded by mentioning that if she ever needs high-end cabinets, she should consider reaching out to me.

  6. A design firm from Shenzhen—while adding such designers to my network may not immediately result in orders, it will likely lead to future business opportunities.

  7. A client from Hunan has been sent three documents for preliminary review, with plans to discuss further today.

  8. A company from Zhangmutou, Dongguan, intends to construct a showroom. They have finalized the drawings and wish to visit the factory, unfortunately arriving at 7 PM when the factory is closed. Industrial products do not typically require such urgent attention.

This morning, I added each client's contact information. In theory, one qualified client per day seeking exhibition cabinets would be sufficient; more inquiries can sometimes dilute focus, as many are not ready buyers. Our factory targets clients who: first, can afford our services, and second, have a pursuit of quality. Both criteria must be met in this order.

An influx of consultations can indeed divert much energy. If we receive 30 new clients in a month, securing orders and successful transactions from just three would suffice, especially when combined with repeat business from existing clients.

The increased number of clients has also honed my ability to assess potential customers. Among today’s eight clients, there was one whose single photo revealed she was not aligned with our target market and would not place an order.

She shared an image of a product labeled as a "display cabinet," but it was evident from the picture that it was sourced from Taobao, made of aluminum alloy and iron, lacking any aesthetic appeal—it merely served the function of holding items. This type of product satisfies the demand for low-cost, functional storage, which is not what I offer. Not everyone will be my client, and I cannot expect all inquiries to lead to business.

A quick search on platforms like Taobao, 1688, or Douyin reveals numerous manufacturers producing similar items, which is entirely contrary to our goal of gradually matching the quality and design standards of international leading brands.

Therefore, I promptly declined her request, noting that further discussion would be unnecessary. I also mentioned that should she ever need high-end display cabinets, she could reach out to me.

The other seven clients require deeper understanding before determining their suitability.

If you have encountered unsatisfactory display cabinets, you should consider reaching out to Zhang Yani for a solution.










I am Ms. Zhang Yani, from Dongguan Xinfeng Showcase Factory. For 30 years, our factory has only made luxury showcase and props similar to Cartier jewelry.

More than 100 domestic and foreign brands authorize our factory to make display cases and props, although we are a little more expensive, but the quality is comparable to Cartier.

Both can do watches, jewelry, museums and other display cases, but also can do display props factory, such a factory, there is no second in the country.

I have registered the showcase brand with my own name "Zhang Yani", which means that I will not change my career in this life.

Do not satisfactory display case, should come to Xinfeng factory to try.

Tel/wechat: 17688026138

Contact: Zhang Yani

Add: No. 42 Huanqi Road, Yongfa Industrial Zone, Qishi Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province,China.












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